Topic Maps fits in very well with Web 3.0 and Linked Data
Article, was published by Graham Moore at 2009-11-04
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Graham Moore, CEO of Networked Planet, will be one of the main speakers at this year’s TMRA 2009, the 5th International Conference on Topic Maps from November 11 - 13 in Leipzig/Germany. Tassilo Pellegrini talked to him about latest technological developments and how Topic Maps correspond with the idea of the Semantic Web and Linked Data.
The full interview is available here.
Graham Moore

Graham is project leader of TMCore, NPCL Schema Editor for.. , and Concepts for Sharepoint.
Presented at
TMRA 2009
Conference in Leipzig from 2009-11-11 to 2009-11-13
Call for Contributions TMRA 2009 will be the fifth event in the annual series of international conferences on Topic Maps Research and …
Visit homepage of TMRA 2009
is a PSI registry service.
Subj3ct is an infrastructure technology for Web 3.0 applications. These are applications that are organised around subjects and semantics rather ...
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Nowadays Topic Maps appears to be very suitable for being applied in Libraries, Archives and Museums. It provides a suitable model and mechanisms for depth indexing, classification and the implementation of FRBR, CIDOC-CRM or other conceptualizations.

Sixth International Conference on Topic Maps Research and Applications