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Topic Maps at The New Zealand Electronic Text Centre

Article, by Conal Tuohy

This article gives a short introduction on the use of Topic Maps in the NZETC.

External Link: more information

XML and TEI are the document mark-up standards which underpin the work of the NZETC. Information on TEI can be found through the Text Encoding Initiative. Other key technologies used at the NZETC include topic maps and XTM, XSLT, Apache Cocoon and Lucene.


Conal Tuohy

No contact information available. 


Conal is involved in TM4J TopicMap Engine.


Topic Maps is an excellent paradigm to support human thinking and to visualize networked information. As part of my PhD project, I therefore chose Topic Maps as the conceptual foundation for designing and implementing a software prototype for semantic knowledge retrieval.

Stefan Smolnik
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab