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Topic Maps and Entity Authority Records: an Effective Cyber Infrastructure for Digital Humanities

Paper, was published by Alison Stevenson and Jamie Norrish at 2008-02-20

This paper is about the delivery system for the collection of the New Zealand Electronic Text Centre.

External Link: download paper

The implicit connections and cross-references between and within texts, which occur in all print collections, can be made explicit in a collection of electronic texts. Correctly encoded and exposed they create a framework to support resource discovery and navigation by following links between topics. This framework provides opportunities to visualise dense points of interconnection and, deployed across otherwise separate collections, can reveal unforeseen networks and associations. Thus approached, the creation and online delivery of digital texts moves from a digital library model with its goal as the provision of access, to a digital humanities model directed towards the innovative use of information technologies to derive new knowledge from our cultural inheritance. Using this approach the New Zealand Electronic Text Centre (NZETC) has developed a delivery system for its collection of over 2500 New Zealand and Pacifc Island texts using TEI XML, the ISO Topic Map technology and innovative entity authority management.


Jamie Norrish

No contact information available. 


Jamie is involved in New Zealand Electronic Text.. . He is author of Topic Maps and Entity.. and Ambient Findability and.. .


New Zealand Electronic Text Centre

is a {{project}}.


NZETC is engaged in an ongoing programme of digitisation and hosts an expanding online library. The standards-based collection is delivered through ...

Visit homepage of New Zealand ...


Information wants to be free. Information wants to be a topic map.

Kal Ahmed
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab