TM4L: Creating and Browsing Educational Topic Maps
Artikel, veröffentlicht von Darina Dicheva und Christo Dichev am 01.03.2006
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In this article we describe TM4L - an environment for building, maintaining, and using standards-based, ontology-aware e-learning repositories. It is based on the idea that concept-driven access to learning material implemented as a Topic Map can bridge the gap between a learner and targeted knowledge. One of the driving goals of this work is to increase the reusability of available educational resources by enabling the use of a developed subject ontology with courses on the same subject with different stricture. Another goal of TM4L is to support an efficient context-based retrieval of learning content tailored to the needs of a learner working on an educational task. The paper focuses on three aspects of the TM4L environment: domain modeling, editing capabilities and the interface for exploring the learning collection. The key features of the TM4L functionality are illustrated with some examples.
Darina Dicheva
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Darina ist beteiligt an TM4L - Topic Maps 4.. .
Christo Dichev
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Christo ist beteiligt an TM4L - Topic Maps 4.. .
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Ruby Topic Maps

Sixth International Conference on Topic Maps Research and Applications