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Theme Creation for Digital Collections

Paper, was published by Jiexun Li, Xiaohua Zhou, and Xia Lin at 2008-09-22

This paper presents an approach for integrating multiple sources of semantics for the creating of metadata.

External Link: download paper

This paper presents an approach for integrating multiple sources of semantics for the creating metadata. A new framework is proposed to define topics and themes with both manually and automatically generated terms. The automatically generated terms include: terms from a semantic analysis of the collections and terms from previous user’s queries. An interface is developed to facilitate the creation and use of such topics and themes for metadata creation. The framework and the interface promote human-computer collaboration in metadata creation. Several principles underlying such approach are also discussed.


Jiexun Li

No contact information available. 


Jiexun is author of Theme Creation for Digital.. .

Xiaohua Zhou

No contact information available. 


Xiaohua is author of Theme Creation for Digital.. .


Topic Maps aware search adds an important and efficient access path both to information, and to the knowledge represented in our application systems.

Ralf Eilbracht
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab