The Study of Using Topic Map in Pathfinder
Paper, by Yu-Xuan Peng and Hao-Ren Ke
External Link: download paper
By providing introduction and direction for chosen topics, pathfinders can actively help users. Due to the drawback of paper-based and HTML-based pathfinders, this research aims at designing a new style of pathfinders by means of Topic Maps, one advantage of which lies in integrating the characteristics of topics, associations and occurrences. In this research, we study the HTML-based pathfinder of Chung Hua University Library and create a new type of pathfinders by using Topic Maps. In order to research into the formats, contents, and features of pathfinders in domestic and overseas libraries, this study started with literature review. Furthermore, this study also discussed the evolution, tools, as well as the utilization of Topic Maps in libraries. However, due to the lack of a HTML-based Pathfinder in the Chung Hua University Library, in the initial stage of this research, a HTML-based pathfinder for the Chung Hua University Library was created. The related tasks for creating this HTML-based pathfinder include, among other things, collecting, classifying, and providing correct Internet access to departmental resources. Then, in order to apply the Topic Map to the Pathfinder, this study defined the types and contents about topics, associations, and occurrences. TM4L, a free tool for Topic Maps, was used to create the Topic Map Pathfinder. A Topic Map Pathfinder has many advantages such as topic assortment, creative conception, easier interface and more facilities to find related collection. In the future, library managers have to allocate adequate humans and to maintain Topic Maps Pathfinders persistently so that the effect of the system can be more significant.
Yu-Xuan Peng
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Yu-Xuan is author of The Study of Using Topic Map.. .
Hao-Ren Ke
No contact information available.

Hao-Ren is author of The Study of Using Topic Map.. and A Study of Topic Maps for.. .
The first priority of H-maps is the simplicity of usage. Hereby issues of technology and science can be dealt effectively - while ensuring consistent compliance with the Topic Maps standards.
