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The Contributions for the Poster Session

Paper, was published by Lars Marius Garshol and Lutz Maicher at 2010-10-01

This paper contains the abstracts of the posters that were presented at the TMRA 2010 conference.

External Link: download paper

This paper contains the abstracts of the posters that were presented at
the TMRA 2010 conference.


Lars Marius Garshol

No contact information available. 


Lars Marius is project leader of TM Photo and Topic Maps Tools.

Lutz Maicher



Lutz is project leader of Musica Migrans and Topic Maps Lab Community.. . He is involved in yacca.me and Maiana.

Presented at

TMRA 2010

Conference in Leipzig from 2010-09-29 to 2010-10-01


With Linked Topic Maps the motto of the TMRA 2009 conference was about spinning a global web of interchangeable and linkable topic maps. Linked …

Visit homepage of TMRA 2010


Topic Maps offers an information architecture for semantic portals with
highly networked content and access paths in support of the associative
human mind. It is our technology of choice for knowledge oriented
application systems.

Gerhard Weber
topicWorks Domains