Sustainability Reporting Topic Maps: An Approach to Support Stakeholder Inclusiveness
Artikel, veröffentlicht von Henner Graubitz, Hans-Knud Arndt und René Klesinski am 22.01.2009
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This article propose a method of how to produce and conceive an Internet-based sustainability report. After the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) created the inalterable representation of the third output of GRI-guidelines companies begin to create sustainability reports and publish it via the world wide web. But thinking about that these reports are divided into different environmental messages a typical interested person will be confronted with too much information. Typically this results in an unperceptive view of all environmental task which are related to each other. Using the eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) we suggest a method of how to alter sustainability reports into Topic Maps (XTM).
Sustainability Reporting Topic Maps: An Approach to Support Stakeholder Inclusiveness. In: Hryniewicz, O./Studziński, J./Romaniuk, M. (Eds.): Environmental Informatics and System Research (21rst International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection, Warsaw 2007, 12.09.-14.09.2007), Aachen, 2007, pp. 79-86
Henner Graubitz ...

Henner ist Projektleiter von AJAX Topic Map. Er ist Autor von Sustainability Reporting.. , Topic Maps for Representing.. und Using Topic Maps for.. .
Hans-Knud Arndt
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Hans-Knud ist Autor von Sustainability Reporting.. , Topic Maps for Representing.. , Using Topic Maps for.. und Unterstützung der.. .
René Klesinski
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René ist Autor von Sustainability Reporting.. und Using Topic Maps for.. .