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Semantic searching with Topic Maps

Presentation, was published by Lars Marius Garshol at 2007-08-07

This presentation compares existing Topic Maps solutions for search with other existing search approaches.

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Garbage in, garbage out applies not just to information processing in general, but also especially to search. The quality of the data being searched determines the quality of the search result, and much of the effort required to make search work is spent cleaning up data to improve the quality. This presentation compares existing Topic Maps solutions for search with other existing search approaches to show similarities and differences. It then moves on to show what more can be done to exploit the semantics and structure of Topic Maps to improve the search experience beyond what has been done so far.


Lars Marius Garshol

No contact information available. 


Lars Marius is project leader of TM Photo, Topic Maps Tools, and duke - fast deduplication.. .

Presented at

This publication is cited in the following publication


Resellers can give their customers the opportunity to apply Web 3.0 technology to their web sites with topics maps-based searching, which is more suitable for single sites than Google-style navigation.

Kal Ahmed
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab