Publishing Large Collection of Artworks Using Topic Maps
Presentation, by Aki Kivelä and Olli Lyytinen
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Our presentation introduces a real-life project where large collection of artworks and relevant knowledge were published in internet using topic maps. Project employed topic map based knowledge aggregation, editing and publishing application Wandora developed in Grip Studios Interactive, Inc. Project’s goal was to realize attractive and well-designed WWW service promoting art collections of Finnish National Gallery.
Finnish National Gallery is the largest art museum institution in Finland. Art collections of Finnish National Gallery contains over 30 000 artworks. Presentation describes the path to topic map based WWW service and reviews experiences, including problems and success factors faced during the project. We also explain motivation behind some Wandora features such as layered topic maps.
Aki Kivelä
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Aki is involved in Wandora and Collection of the Finnish.. . He is author of Topic Maps in the eHumanities, Topic Map Aided Publishing.. , and Publishing Large Collection.. .
Olli Lyytinen
No contact information available.
Olli is involved in Wandora. He is author of Topic Map Aided Publishing.. and Publishing Large Collection.. .
Topic Maps is an excellent paradigm to support human thinking and to visualize networked information. As part of my PhD project, I therefore chose Topic Maps as the conceptual foundation for designing and implementing a software prototype for semantic knowledge retrieval.