Ontology driven websites with Topic Maps
Tutorial, was published by José Carlos Ramalho, Giovani Rubert Librelotto, and Pedro Rangel Henriques at 2003-07-14
External Link: download paper
Website development has always been an hard task: it consumes time and resources. What is new today is normally taken as granted tomorrow by users. This is to say that users always want more. Today they want up to date information and they want to access it according to their point of view or particular preferences. To cope with these demands, websites must be dynamic and must be able to reconfigure automatically their structure, content and appearance. This scenery has favored the creation of tools for website automatic generation and management. In this tutorial we propose not a new tool of this kind but a new approach to the problem. In our approach we consider two layers. A physical layer that we call the resources layer, composed by databases, XML documents, directory subtrees, and the whole sort of files you can think of to represent your information. A metadata layer called the ontology layer, that provides a view to those resources. We will be using this metadata layer to navigate, query and access information resources. This tutorial has the following structure: it starts by giving an overview of XML and related technologies (XML is used in every component of our architecture); than it details the available XML languages to specify ontologies: XTM, RDF, OWL, DAML; after these introductory topics it starts focusing on XTM, showing how one can use it to create web ontologies; at this point the attendee will be prepared to discuss the optimization of Topic Map specification; a component for automatic Topic Map creation will be presented and the attendee will be taught to use it with the case studies; the tutorial ends introducing two navigational components: one is static — it generates a set of static web pages, the other is dynamic — in each moment the website presented to the user is dynamically created from the ontology specification document
Giovani Rubert Librelotto

Giovani Rubert is project leader of Metamorphosis and Ontocancro.
is associated with {{count}} items.

XTM1 is the short name for Topic Maps XML Syntax, Version 1.0.