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Introducing Topic Maps. A Powerful, Subject-Oriented Approach to Structuring Sets of Information

Article, was published by Kal Ahmed at 2002-09-27

This article begins by discussing what topic maps are, what they can do, and what people are currently using them for.

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Topic maps are a standard way of representing the complex relationships that often exist between the pieces of information that we use in day-to-day business processes. This article begins by discussing what topic maps are, what they can do, and what people are currently using them for. However, my main goal is to introduce the basic concepts of topic maps and their representation in XML.


Kal Ahmed

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Kal is project leader of TM4J TopicMap Engine, TM4Web, and TMTab.

This publication is cited in the following publication


Information wants to be free. Information wants to be a topic map.

Kal Ahmed
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab