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Information management - Topic Maps visualization

Paper, was published by Bénédicte Le Grand and Michel Soto at 2000-06-16

This paper reviews a few graph visualization techniques for topic maps.

External Link: download paper

Topic maps - the new ISO standard ISO-IEC 13250 - provide a bridge between the domains of knowledge representation and information management. Topics and topic associations build a structured semantic link network above information resources. Our research aims at visualizing this semantic layer efficiently, which is a critical issue as topic maps may contain millions of topics and associations. This paper is divided into 3 parts. First, we depict briefly basic topic maps concepts. Then, we review a few graph visualization techniques. Finally, we describe the visualization tool we developed at the Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris 6 and study how this tool may be used - and enhanced - for topic maps visualization.


I like the easy but powerful way of merging Topic Maps to extend and combine existing knowledge bases. Thus I see high potential in distributed environments where peer to peer solutions may open the gates to the real Web 3.0.

Marcel Hoyer
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab