From Subjects to Concept Clouds – Why semantic mapping is necessary
Article, was published by Hendrik Thomas, Bernd Markscheffel, and Tobias Redmann at 2008-10-22
External Link: download paper
To realize the vision of the semantic web it is essential to be able to exchange formal modeled knowledge between applications and humans without loss of meaning. In this paper, we focus on questions relating to meaning, interpretation and subject identity in modern semantic web languages. Based on the semiotic triangle we show that topics as well as RDF resources are symbols, representing concepts and not referents as the common term “subject” would indicate. A subject can not be represented as a single entity, but rather as a complex and evolving system of different concepts. Based on this insight we explain how the resulting plurality and uncertainness of the interpretation of symbols can be handled using semantic mappings. By defining transformation rules, the exchange and integration of knowledge from different semantic models becomes possible. Concluding we define recommendations and design guidelines for a semantic mapping management system, which is needed to support users and applications in creating, reusing, managing and applying such semantic mappings.
Tobias Redmann
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Tobias is project leader of tmedit - topic map editor.. .
This publication cites the following publications
Topic Maps helped us not only to overcome the difficulties with information organization, but they also opened us a way for presenting the content in a structured and easy navigable way.
