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Experiments in Linked Data

Presentation, was published by Lars Marius Garshol at 2010-04-15

This presentation demonstrates the results of some private experiments in linked data.

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Linked data based on Topic Maps has a huge potential that is today largely unexploited in commercial applications, in large part because customers have not yet realized what is possible. In order to show what can be done, this presentation demonstrates the results of some private experiments in linked data which interconnect five real-world applications using Topic Maps.

Among the techniques shown are data sharing using TMSync, attachment of relevant content, link sharing, connection to subj3ct.com, and manual import of data, all of these automated using data linking.




Lars Marius Garshol

No contact information available. 

Lars Marius is project leader of TM Photo and Topic Maps Tools.

Presented at

Topic Maps 2010 "Linked Topic Maps"

Conference from 2010-04-14 to 2010-04-15

Call for presentations Join us for two days of tutorials, case studies and technical discussions. Learn about how the ISO Topic Maps standard …

Visit homepage of Topic Maps 2010 ...



is a PSI registry service.

Subj3ct is an infrastructure technology for Web 3.0 applications. These are applications that are organised around subjects and semantics rather ...

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Resellers can give their customers the opportunity to apply Web 3.0 technology to their web sites with topics maps-based searching, which is more suitable for single sites than Google-style navigation.

Kal Ahmed