The epistemological implications of Topic Maps for librarians
Blog Post, was published by Alexander Johannesen at 2006-05-26
External Link: more information
Quite often I’m asked about the link between libraries and Topic Maps, given that the latter is something that I’ve tried to specialise in. For example, I was recently invited to join a panel at LITA’s Nashville conference 2006 as a Topic Maps “expert” (meaning; someone who knows a little more than the rest). Sadly I couldn’t attend, which is a shame as I had an exciting Topic Maps paper accepted, although since it touches on the topic of this post you’ll get some gist of it from here.
Alexander Johannesen
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Alexander is project leader of xSiteable and just topical. He is involved in TM4JScript. Alexander is author of The epistemological.. and Sexier, smarter, faster.. .
The first priority of H-maps is the simplicity of usage. Hereby issues of technology and science can be dealt effectively - while ensuring consistent compliance with the Topic Maps standards.
