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Editing and Exploring Topic Map-based E-Learning Repositories

Paper, was published by Darina Dicheva, Christo Dichev, and Dandan Wang at 2005-08-15

This paper presents an editing and authoring tool for e-learning and Topic Maps, TM4L.

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In this paper we present TM4L, a tool providing editing and browsing support for developing, maintaining and using Topic Maps-based digital repositories for use in e learning setting. The TM4L functionality is enhanced by an interactive graphic user interface that combines a hierarchical graphical layout with an animated and zoom able view, coupled with context sensitive features. The paper describes the key features of the current implementation and discusses some development issues as well as future work.


Darina Dicheva

No contact information available. 

Darina is involved in TM4L - Topic Maps 4.. .

Christo Dichev

No contact information available. 

Christo is involved in TM4L - Topic Maps 4.. .

Dandan Wang

No contact information available. 

Dandan is author of Visualizing Topic Maps for.. , Editing and Exploring Topic.. , and Retrieving information in.. .



Information wants to be free. Information wants to be a topic map.

Kal Ahmed