Aus Information wird Wissen
Blog Post, was published at 2010-10-21
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Bereits zum sechsten Mal hatte Organisator Dr. Lutz Maicher, Leiter der ForMaT-Initiative Topic Maps Lab (TMLab), auf den Mediencampus Villa Ida nach Leipzig geladen. Rund 80 Wissenschaftler und Unternehmer aus aller Welt folgten der Einladung zur TMRA 2010. Unter dem Motto “Information wants to be a topic map” tauschten sie sich über die Zukunft der semantischen Technologie Topic Maps aus.
Presented at
TMRA 2010
Conference in Leipzig from 2010-09-29 to 2010-10-01

With Linked Topic Maps the motto of the TMRA 2009 conference was about spinning a global web of interchangeable and linkable topic maps. Linked …
Visit homepage of TMRA 2010
Nowadays Topic Maps appears to be very suitable for being applied in Libraries, Archives and Museums. It provides a suitable model and mechanisms for depth indexing, classification and the implementation of FRBR, CIDOC-CRM or other conceptualizations.

Sixth International Conference on Topic Maps Research and Applications