- /publications/a_3-tier_application_for_topic_map_technology
A 3-tier Application for Topic Map Technology
Paper, was published by Anastasia Papastergiou, Athanasios Hatzigaidas, George Tryfon, and Georgios Grammatikopoulos at 2006-12-17
External Link: download paper
In the context of this paper the design and construction of a 3-tier application system for topic map technology is presented in detail. The proposed system employs Enterprise Topic Map Server (ETMS) that manages topic maps™ and establishes communication with client applications and persistent database. Yellow Web Services have been customized in order to achieve communication issues and exchange of TM. A client application is addressed to TM developers for editing and visualization of TM. Furthermore, the definition of TM Schema as well as the possibility to process rules and queries are supported. Another key aspect of the present paper is to analyze how different technologies utilized to
formulate such a system.
Georgios Grammatikopoulos
Georgios is author of A 3-tier Application for.. .
is a {{project}}.
TMAPI.Net is a collection of programming interfaces to access data hold in a topic map based on TMAPI 2.0 (http://www.tmapi.org).
Visit homepage of TMAPI.Net
is associated with {{count}} items.
XTM1 is the short name for Topic Maps XML Syntax, Version 1.0.
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