Topic Maps for Representing Balanced Scorecards
Article, was published by Henner Graubitz, Hans-Knud Arndt, and Veit Köppen at 2009-01-22
External Link: download paper
Balanced Scorecard is a performance management tool that enables efficient business management. Information like cause-and-effect relations of the performance indicators improves the approach further. That is the reason why we consider Balanced Scorecards as a knowledge system. Topic Maps are a standard to represent knowledge in a digital way and they concentrate on the findability of information. We propose a standard called Scorecard Maps that brings both systems together. The objects of a Scorecard Map are elaborated from the Balanced Scorecard approach. We realise a generality by not restricting the objects and by implementing several calculus for performance indicators. The Scorecard Map can deal with a complete company although only a user specific view will be given. This means that only a Scorecard Map model is needed for the complete company.
Topic Maps for Representing Balanced Scorecards. In: Dimirovski, G. M./Ulengin, F. (Eds.): Synergy of Computational Econmics and Finacial and Industrial Systems (11th International Federarion of Automation Control (IFAC) Symposium, Dogus University Istanbul 2007, 09.10.-11.10.2007), Istanbul (TR), 2007, pp. 121-126
Henner Graubitz ...

Henner is project leader of AJAX Topic Map. He is author of Sustainability Reporting.. , Topic Maps for Representing.. , and Using Topic Maps for.. .
Hans-Knud Arndt
No contact information available.

Hans-Knud is author of Sustainability Reporting.. , Topic Maps for Representing.. , Using Topic Maps for.. , and Unterstützung der.. .
The idea of Topic Maps is essential to enable dynamic information logistic. This requires a system that understands the context of the user to provide relevant informations and options automatically. Therefore semantic analysis is needed organizing content in a dynamic net structure.