FreeTM: a web-based topic map tool
Paper, veröffentlicht von Anastasia Papastergiou, Panayiotis Tzekis, Athanasios Hatzigaidas und Yorgos Tryfon am 12.11.2009
Externe Links: download paper und more information
The aim of this work is to present the architecture and functionalities of Free-TM, a web-based tool for creating, managing and sharing topic maps. A client/ server architecture was developed that enables several clients to interact simultaneously online with the topic map based-system enabling the distribution of knowledge via a simple Internet browser, anywhere and anytime. The user-friendly GUI serves as a useful guide at the overall process of managing Topic Maps.
Panayiotis Tzekis
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Panayiotis ist Autor von FreeTM: a web-based topic.. .
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TMRA 2009
Konferenz in Leipzig vom {{start}} bis {{end}}

Call for Contributions TMRA 2009 will be the fifth event in the annual series of international conferences on Topic Maps Research and …
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TMAPI.Net is a collection of programming interfaces to access data hold in a topic map based on TMAPI 2.0 (
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ist assoziert mit {{count}} Einträgen.

TMDM is the abbreviation for Topic Maps Data Model. You will find a compact illustration of all relationships within the TMDM …
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Topic Maps sind das einzige formale, semantische Modell, das für den Menschen und nicht nur für den Computer optimiert ist. Mit Topic Maps modellierte Programme und Webportale sind einfach zu nutzen, ohne die Flexibilität und Kreativität einzuschränken.

Ruby Topic Maps