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Bumblehood - a Topic Maps Based WYSIWYG Wiki for Travel Guides and Yellow Pages

Präsentation, von Matko Botincan, Claudiu Dobre, Boro Milivojevic und Sasa Saric

The paper presents an overview of the Bumblehood Wiki and its place in the TM paradigm.

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Bumblehood is a WYSIWYG travel guides and yellow pages wiki portal having its content organized by the topic maps paradigm. Its purpose is to provide semantically structured community created content about any possible interesting place, point of interest or business location in the world to both local citizens and global travelers. This paper presents an overview of Bumblehood portal’s features, motivations that drove its development, and how it employs and where it fits within the Topic Maps paradigm.


Matko Botincan

Keine Kontaktinformationen verfügbar. 

Matko ist Projektleiter von BumbleMap. Er ist Autor von Bumblehood - a Topic Maps.. .

Claudiu Dobre

Keine Kontaktinformationen verfügbar. 

Claudiu ist beteiligt an BumbleMap. Er ist Autor von Bumblehood - a Topic Maps.. .

Boro Milivojevic

Keine Kontaktinformationen verfügbar. 

Boro ist beteiligt an BumbleMap. Er ist Autor von Bumblehood - a Topic Maps.. .

Sasa Saric

Keine Kontaktinformationen verfügbar. 

Sasa ist beteiligt an BumbleMap. Er ist Autor von Bumblehood - a Topic Maps.. .

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TMRA 2009

Konferenz in Leipzig vom 11.11.2009 bis 13.11.2009

Call for Contributions TMRA 2009 will be the fifth event in the annual series of international conferences on Topic Maps Research and …

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Resellers can give their customers the opportunity to apply Web 3.0 technology to their web sites with topics maps-based searching, which is more suitable for single sites than Google-style navigation.

Kal Ahmed

Topic Maps



nächster Kurs:

Grundlagen von Topic-Maps-Portalen

Start: Montag den 14. Dezember 2009 um 17:00 Uhr