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Conceptual Modeling of Topic Maps with ORM Versus UML

veröffentlicht von Are D. Gulbrandsen am 15.02.2006

A discussion of strengths and weaknesses of using Object Role Modeling (ORM) and UML Class Diagrams for conceptual modeling of Topic Maps.

The paper aims to discuss strengths and weaknesses of using Object Role Modeling (ORM) and UML Class Diagrams for conceptual modeling of Topic Maps. Established evaluation criteria for conceptual modeling languages are used to compare Topic Map ontology modeling with ORM and UML, to try to find if ORM is a good alternative to UML. The paper discusses a few extensions to simplify viewing ORM diagrams of a Topic Map ontology. ORM is also used to model a case ontology to show practical use within an application domain.

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TMRA 2005

Konferenz in Leipzig vom 06.10.2005 bis 07.10.2005

TMRA’05 - International Workshop on Topic Map Research and Applications - provides a forum for community building in the field of Topic Map research …

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Resellers can give their customers the opportunity to apply Web 3.0 technology to their web sites with topics maps-based searching, which is more suitable for single sites than Google-style navigation.

Kal Ahmed

Topic Maps



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Grundlagen von Topic-Maps-Portalen

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