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DeepaMehta 3 - Information wants to be put in formation

Presentation, was published by Malte Reißig at 2010-09-29

A short introduction to the complete rewrite of the DeepaMehta Software Platform along it's goals and first topic map based applications.

The DeepaMehta’s simple REST-interface empowers application developers to provide personal views and stable geometries in various GUI-Toolkits. There will be a demonstration of our nautilus file browser extension for the GNOME-Desktop as a result of our Folder Windows as Canvas idea. Technologically DeepaMehta 3 is made of Java, Neo4j, Apache Lucene, Apache Felix, Jersey, Javascript/AJAX, jQuery, jQuery-UI, and HTML 5 Canvas.


Malte Reißig

No contact information available. 

Malte is involved in DeepaMehta. He is author of DeepaMehta 3 - Information.. .

Presented at

TMRA 2010

Conference in Leipzig from 2010-09-29 to 2010-10-01


With Linked Topic Maps the motto of the TMRA 2009 conference was about spinning a global web of interchangeable and linkable topic maps. Linked …

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is a Knowledge Management System.

DeepaMehta is a software platform for for collaboration and Knowledge Management. Knowledge is represented in a semantic network and is handled ...

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Resellers can give their customers the opportunity to apply Web 3.0 technology to their web sites with topics maps-based searching, which is more suitable for single sites than Google-style navigation.

Kal Ahmed