von Robert Engels

In a world of many cultures and religions it’s not surprising that “semantics” also takes a variety of forms. This presentation is about the …
Wurde präsentiert auf Topic Maps Norway ....
Tagomizer: Subject Maps Meet Social ...
von Jack Park

The CALO project at SRI International offers a unique opportunity to explore the boundaries of knowledge representation and organization in a …
Wurde präsentiert auf TMRA 2006.

Topic Maps as Application Data Model for Subject-centric Applications
von Gerhard Weber, Ralf Eilbracht, ...

A Topic Maps-based ontology IR system versus Clustering-based IR System: A Comparative ...
von Myongho Yi und Sam Oh

Quality, Relevance and Importance in Information Retrieval with Fuzzy Semantic Networks
von Roy Lachica, Dino Karabeg und Sasa Rudan

von Lars Heuer und Johannes Schmidt

Creating Web Presentation for Observatory and Planetarium with Topic Maps
von Martina Husáková und Kamila Olševičová