TMQL4J 3.1.0 Released
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The Topic Maps Lab has released version 3.1.0 of the Java-based Topic Maps query engine TMQL4J.
The new version 3.1.0 of the TMQL4J query suite is released at Google code. TMQL4J is used in bunch of projects from the Topic Maps Lab to query and modify Topic Maps sources.
Besides some bug fixing the important changes for version 3.1.0 are:
- new behavior of roles axis
- forward navigation return the roles of an association
- backward navigation returns the association acts as parent of a role
- new behavior of players axis
- forward navigation return the players of a role or all roles of the association
- backward navigation returns the roles played by the topic
- new roletypes axis
- forward navigation results in the role types of an association
- backward navigation results in the associations having a role with this type
- new datatype axis
- new update operator ‘REMOVE’ to update clause
- avaible for: names, occurrences, characteristics, locators, indicators, item, scope, topics, types, supertypes, subtypes, instances
- characteristics added as alias for names and occurrences modification
- add variants anchor as update context
- new method @IResultSet
- toTopicMap: If the result set supports this operation, it will return a topic map copy containing only the topics and association contained in
- toCTM: If the result set supports this operation, it will return a CTM string or stream containing only the topics and association contained in
- toXTM: If the result set supports this operation, it will return an XTM string or stream containing only the topics and association contained in
- toJTMQR: If the result set supports this operation, it will return a JTMQR string or stream containing only the topics and association contained in
- CTMResult
- rename method resultsAsMergedCTM to toCTM
- rename method resultsAsTopicMap to toTopicMap
- XMLResult
- rename method resultsAsMergedXML to toXML
- add stream variant of method toXML
- the arguments on update roles are modified argument before operator is the role type, the value after is the player
- update-clause allow any value-expression in front of the operator
- moving some classes
- new function fn:max expecting two arguments
- context of count and counts
- e.g.: fn:max ( // tm:subject , fn:count ( . / tm:name )) to get the maximum number of names a topic instance contains
- new function fn:min expecting two arguments
- context of count and counts
- e.g.: fn:min ( // tm:subject , fn:count ( . / tm:name )) to get the minimum number of names a topic instance contains
- value-expression supports boolean-expression to return true or false
- the update handler checks the value of occ and variants according to the datatype (validate the value for the given datatype)
- a pragma was added to disable this functionality datatype-validation
- the update of variants and occurrences will reuse the datatype instead of setting string automatically, like TMAPI do
- a pragma was added to disable this functionality datatype-binding
- allow prepared argument add new positions:
- as optional axis argument
- as part of update value
You can use the TMQL canonizer to check you TMQL queries against the new version. The full change log and the source code is available at Google code.
Lutz Maicher
http://www.wifa.uni-leipzig.de/isrm ...

Lutz ist Projektleiter von Musica Migrans, Topic Maps Lab Community.. und Repertoire of the St. Thomas.. .

The tmql4j engine is the first Java-based engine processing the topic maps query language. The engine is designed as processing chain of independent ...
Zur Homepage von TMQL4J
Nowadays Topic Maps appears to be very suitable for being applied in Libraries, Archives and Museums. It provides a suitable model and mechanisms for depth indexing, classification and the implementation of FRBR, CIDOC-CRM or other conceptualizations.