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Press coverage for Thomaner project

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The local newspaper LVZ (Leipziger Volkszeitung) has published two articles about our project with the St. Thomas boy choral.

In 2012 Leipzig will celebrate the 800th anniversary of the famous boy choral Thomaner. Funded by the German Research Foundation and in cooperation with historians at the University of Leipzig the Lab is working on a database for the chorale’s repertoire from 1808 to 2008. Naturally the whole solution will base on Topic Maps.

In preparation of the launch in late autumn this year the local newspaper covered the project with an article in print and a slightly different on the website (both are in GERMAN).

See the whole press coverage of the Lab here.

Subject Matter

Repertoire of the St. Thomas church boy ...

is a {{project}}.


Das Ziel des Vorhabens ist es, eine EDV-gestützte Bestandsaufnahme zum Repertoire („Kanon“) des Leipziger Thomanerchors (1808-2008) sowohl der ...


Topic Maps is the only formal semantic model which is optimized for humans, not for computers. Applications and web portals based on Topic Maps are easy to use, without limitations for flexibility and creativity.

Benjamin Bock
Ruby Topic Maps
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab