TMQL tutorial, part 2
Erstellt von {{by}} am {{at}} und aktualisiert am {{updated}}.
This is the second part in a series of TMQL tutorials.
Learn with this series of TMQL tutorials how to query Topic Maps with a structured query language. With allows you to use TMQL in all of your applications and provides you a detailed documentation of all TMQL features.
Part 2 of 8 of the TMQL tutorial complete coverage of basic navigation and the path language in the 2010 TMQL draft. (All slides are in German.)
Go back to part 1 of this TMQL tutorial.
Proceed with part 3 of this TMQL tutorial.

The tmql4j engine is the first Java-based engine processing the topic maps query language. The engine is designed as processing chain of independent ...
Zur Homepage von TMQL4J

Maiana - Yet another generic topic maps browser? Yes, but it's social :) *What it is?* Maiana is the most efficient service to host, explore and ...
An erster Stelle von H-Maps steht die Einfachheit in der
Benutzung. Damit können Fragestellungen aus Technik und Wissenschaft
effizient gelöst werden - bei konsequenter Beachtung der Topic-Maps-Standards.
