Local TV channel is covering the Topic Maps based portal about Karl-Benjamin Preusker
Erstellt von {{by}} am {{at}} und aktualisiert am {{updated}}.
In August 2011 Sven Windisch, Lutz Maicher and Jens Schulze-Foster presented some insights about Karl-Benjamin Preusker and his relationships to Leipzig, based on the Preusker portal to be published end of September. The Leipzig based info-tv covered this presentation with a short video.
The video is available here
Lutz Maicher
http://www.wifa.uni-leipzig.de/isrm ...

Lutz ist Projektleiter von Musica Migrans, Topic Maps Lab Community.. und Repertoire of the St. Thomas.. .
Sven Windisch

Sven ist Projektleiter von yacca.me, Beru - Semantic Search for.. , Karl-Benjamin-Preusker-Portal und MaJorToM-Connector.

Karl Benjamin Preusker (* 22. September 1786 in Löbau; † 15. April 1871 in Großenhain) is the founding father of scientific archaeology and ...
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