MaJorToM 1.0.0 released and ready for download
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The version 1.0.0 of MaJorToM is released and now ready for download.
Some days ago we announced that the MaJorToM project will go to open source. MaJorToM is more than just a Topic Maps engine, it’s a kind of philosophy of designing an independent Topic Maps engine. To get more information about MaJorToM please follow up reading here.
Today we are proud to announce that the 1.0.0 version of MaJorToM is released and ready for download at the project website.
Feel free to download and use this new engine and become a community member by reporting bugs, making feature suggestions or even contributing code to the MaJorToM project. Your ideas for improvement and new features are welcome.
Lutz Maicher ...
Lutz ist Projektleiter von Musica Migrans, Topic Maps Lab Community.. und Repertoire of the St. Thomas.. .
MaJorToM is more than just a Topic Maps engine, it's a kind of philosophy of designing an independent Topic Maps engine. The MaJorToM API extends ...
Zur Homepage von MaJorToM
Topic Maps helped us not only to overcome the difficulties with information organization, but they also opened us a way for presenting the content in a structured and easy navigable way.