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JTM writer 1.0 released as open source

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Today the team from the Topic Maps Lab has released version 1.0 of the Java based JTM writer. The code is now open source.

The JTM writer is a Java based deserializer for the JSON topic maps notation. The source code is now available at Google Code . The JTM writer is in productive usage in Maiana and other projects of the Lab.

Subject Matter

JTM writer

is a {{project}}.


The JTM writer is an open source, Java based deserializer for the JSON topic maps notation. The JTM writer is built into ...

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JSON Topic Maps

is associated with {{count}} items.


JSON Topic Maps (JTM) 1.1 (which supersedes version 1.0) is a notation for the Topic Maps Data Model (TMDM) in JSON. It is meant for machine exchange of topic maps. Read more …


Topic Maps is the only formal semantic model which is optimized for humans, not for computers. Applications and web portals based on Topic Maps are easy to use, without limitations for flexibility and creativity.

Benjamin Bock
Ruby Topic Maps
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab