Preusker 2011 - cooperation with the Archaeological Heritage Office of Saxony and TML consulting
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In 2011 Saxony is celebrating the “Preusker Jahr 2011”. The Topic Maps Lab cooperates with the Archaeological Heritage Office of Saxony and TML-Consulting to publish more facts about Karl-Benjamin Preusker.
Karl Benjamin Preusker (* 22. September 1786 in ) is the founding father of scientific archaeology and general public education in the former kingdom of Saxony.
Under the patronage of the Saxony state minister Prof. v. Schorlemmer this year the Preusker Jahr 2011 is celebrated. The Archaeological Heritage Office of Saxony, it’s native town Löbau and the home town of the Preusker library Großenhain partnered to provide a series of exhibitions and events about Preusker.
The Topic Maps Lab and TML-Consulting support the consortium to provide more information about Preusker. The first outcome of this cooperation is a portal about the correspondence of Preusker. Thanks to this portal the users will be get an impression about the social network of Preusker.
Lutz Maicher
http://www.wifa.uni-leipzig.de/isrm ...

Lutz ist Projektleiter von Musica Migrans, Topic Maps Lab Community.. und Repertoire of the St. Thomas.. .
Sven Windisch

Sven ist Projektleiter von yacca.me, Beru - Semantic Search for.. , Karl-Benjamin-Preusker-Portal und MaJorToM-Connector.

Karl Benjamin Preusker (* 22. September 1786 in Löbau; † 15. April 1871 in Großenhain) is the founding father of scientific archaeology and ...
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