Aranuka v. 1.1.0 Released
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Today we have released the new version 1.1.0 of Aranuka. If you need something like Hibernate for your Topic Maps backends you should give Aranuka a try.
Aranuka is a framework which allows users to persist information stored in Java objects into a topic map without the need to implement the necessary calls to the used Topic Maps engine. The mapping between the Java model and the topic map is defined directly in the related model classes via Java-Annotations. The Annotations hold all information needed by Aranuka which makes it very easy to use Aranuka with an existing model or to change the model or mapping.
Besides some bug fixing the new and matured version 1.1.0 has the following new features (see the change log) :
- add auto-generate flag to Id annotation → identifiers which are null will be generated if true
- implemented TMQL query for session
- added “addPackage” for class registration
- using proxies for topic retrieval which enables lazy loading of attributes
- implements count method of session /admin/documents
If you want to use Aranuka you can build it your own or you can download the the latest release at Google code. Getting started with the for Aranuka.
Lutz Maicher
http://www.wifa.uni-leipzig.de/isrm ...

Lutz ist Projektleiter von Musica Migrans, Topic Maps Lab Community.. und Repertoire of the St. Thomas.. .

Aranuka is a java object to topic map mapper. It specifies a set of java annotations and provides classes to persist the annotated java objects into ...
Zur Homepage von Aranuka
Topic Maps sind das einzige formale, semantische Modell, das für den Menschen und nicht nur für den Computer optimiert ist. Mit Topic Maps modellierte Programme und Webportale sind einfach zu nutzen, ohne die Flexibilität und Kreativität einzuschränken.

Ruby Topic Maps