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Department of musicology at the University of Leipzig




The department of musicology at the University of Leipzig was founded in 1908 by Hugo Riemann under the name of “Collegium Musicum”. Today about 250 students are enrolled in masters program, additionally many teaching post students get their musical education.


Prof. Loos


Collaborative projects:

  • Musica Migrans: Yearlong project funded by The Federal Ministry of Culture (content: development of a database to document musician biography from Central- and Easter Europe based on Topic Maps)
  • Thomaner-Repertoire (bienieal project funded by the DFG (content: development of a database to document the repertoire of the Thomanerchor based on Topic Maps)

Department of musicology at the University of Leipzig is a partner of the Topic Maps Lab

In Musica migrans we mapped the life courses of musicians in the 19th century. Topic Maps provides us the flexibility we need to model the diversity in the lives of the artists.

Lutz Maicher
Musica Migrans
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab