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Topic Maps 2010 "Linked Topic Maps"

Konferenz (14.04.2010 - 15.04.2010)


Call for presentations

Join us for two days of tutorials, case studies and technical discussions. Learn about how the ISO Topic Maps standard is being applied to solve challenges of information management and systems integration. Meet fellow users, and talk to some of the world’s leading experts.

The Conference is targeted towards users and potential users of Topic Maps.


We are particularly interested in proposals for presentations based on real-life case studies, but other presentations aimed at practitioners of Topic Maps will also be considered.

Presentations are more likely to be accepted if they highlight an interesting, unusual or important aspect of Topic Maps, such as:

  • Applications that demonstrate measurable business benefits and ROI
  • Applications in industry and/or the private sector
  • Linked Topic Maps, – opening up information silos
  • Experiences from long term use of a Topic Maps based application
  • Experiences in organizing the editorial work


There will be a full day of tutorials 14 April. Proposals are sought on any Topic Maps-related subject that is suitable for a full-day or half-day tutorial.

Initial submissions may be sent to the program committee at any time – the sooner, the better: tm2010@topicmaps.com.
Final Submission Deadline: January 10, 2010.


Maiana-Hatana release

Erstellt von Uta Schulze am 19.04.2010.

Maiana, the Lab’s Topic Map browser, was presented at Topic Maps 2010 in Oslo last week. Simultaneously we released a new version of the portal …

Themen sind TMCL, Uta Schulze und Maiana, ...


I like the easy but powerful way of merging Topic Maps to extend and combine existing knowledge bases. Thus I see high potential in distributed environments where peer to peer solutions may open the gates to the real Web 3.0.

Marcel Hoyer