Topic Maps In Web-site Architecture
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This white paper outlines the role that topic maps can play in the Information Architecture and Systems Architecture of web-sites.
This white paper - which is provided by NetworkedPlanet - outlines the role that topic maps can play in the Information Architecture and Systems Architecture of web-sites. The challenges in creating and maintaining content-rich web-sites are outlined from the perspective of the Information Architect, the Systems Architect and the Content Creator.
The main bulk of the white paper focuses on the strategies for managing site navigation using topic maps and for integrating content from multiple sources on a topic maps-driven web-site. The goal of this case study is to encourage further discussion about these strategies and the implementation patterns that support them.
Please read and download the full case study here.
Kal Ahmed
Keine Kontaktinformationen verfügbar.

Kal ist Projektleiter von TM4J TopicMap Engine, TM4Web und TMTab.
Graham Moore

Graham ist Projektleiter von TMCore, NPCL Schema Editor for.. und Concepts for Sharepoint.
Topic-Oriented Portals
von Alexander Sigel und Kal Ahmed
For the complete article see the printed version in Encyclopaedia of Portal Technology and Applications In general, portals are regarded as …
Topic Maps is a quick and easy way to implement knowledge management into solutions, the ISO standard has proven itself time-and-time again in business, organizations and government.
