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The power of semantic analyses

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The two demos base on the GIN Platform, a semantic middleware from the Schwitzerland based company iQser. The area of competence of iQser is the acquisition and processing of information regardless of language and format by means of dynamic semantic networks.

Semantic Analysis for CRM

The paper Towards an automatic semantic integration of information, presented on the TRMA 2008 in Leipzig, describes a technology that is able to create a (kind of) dynamic topic map automatically. Each occurrence of a topic, that is identified in the data sources, is linked to others by a contentwise reason. The video below shows how this feature works with structured and unstructured data from distributes sources and how the users can benefit. The integration and analysis engine organizes the occurrences to enable easy access of relevant information for each selected context without any search (Information logistics). It identifies relations like sales opportunities which haven’t been foreseen by an agent.

Semantic Analyses of Wikipedia for Knowledge Discovery

The above mentioned paper describes a proof of concept analysing unstructured data from the German army. The video shows the features using non confidential data from Wikipedia. Results of the semantic analsys are a (kind of) topic map on an abstract concept level and a concrete object level. The first one gives an overview over the main topics and the main facts discussed in the articles and the second allows a navigation to related articles to get a deeper view inside a topic. The demo application gives an idea how to discover knowledge and make it accessible by navigating via dynamic links.

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Topic Maps is a quick and easy way to implement knowledge management into solutions, the ISO standard has proven itself time-and-time again in business, organizations and government.

Inge Henriksen
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab