Topic Maps and Newspaper Content Delivery in Libraries
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This case study gives the example of two projects that uses Topic Maps to organize a text base under the specific criterion of newspaper content.
The usage of Topic Maps for delivering newspaper content is a field that is not widely developed yet although that specific area is of high interest for and in media and newspapers. Applying the Topic Maps technology on a variant amount of texts for generating a semantically structured environment is essential for modern needs in the information business. That approach seems to have a great potential not only for users, but especially for scientists and journalists as well. This case study gives the example of two projects that used Topic Maps to organize a text base under the specific criterion of newspaper content.
Topic Maps Presentation Framework for newspaper content delivering
The “New Zealand Electronic Text Center”:http://www.nzetc.org (NZETC)
has been working with APEX CoVantage to further develop its own Topic Maps Presentation Framework (TMPF) as a way of providing sophisticated access to digitised newspaper archives. The TMPF in production at the NZETC is a dynamically generated
semantic framework – a metadata repository implemented using the ISO Topic Map standard instead of the more usual implementation based directly on a relational database.
Current status: (Unknown)
Stevenson, A., & Styron, E. (2006). Topic Map Presentation Framework: an Approach to Delivering Newspaper Content Over the Web.
“Omnipaper”:http://canada.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/omnipaper is a Canadian multi-institutional project to develop a prototype for creating a European news finder. It was made as a result of an international research on how to enhance access to distributed and multilingual information resources, using standards such as Dublin Core, Topic Maps, RDF and technologies such as data mining and language detection.
Current status: Final prototype finished in 2005. Not online.
Baptista, A.A. (2004). Searching and Browsing Using RDF-Encoded Metadata: The Case of Omnipaper. Canadian Journal of Communication 29 (3/4), p.317-328.
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Subject Matter
Searching and Browsing Using RDF-Encoded ...
by Ana Alice Baptista
Often metadata applications concentrate on either searching or browsing. Two completely independent prototypes covering both searching and …
Topic Map Presentation Framework: An ...
by Alison Stevenson and Elizabeth Styron
This paper will discuss some of the requirements for the successful online delivery of newspaper archive content to users and examine …
The idea of Topic Maps is essential to enable dynamic information logistic. This requires a system that understands the context of the user to provide relevant informations and options automatically. Therefore semantic analysis is needed organizing content in a dynamic net structure.