Update stream for topicmapslab.de
topicmapslab.de is a community portal for Topic Maps.
Update stream for topicmapslab.de
INOSA 2012 [New event at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="200_1_" src="/event/thumbnail/61/card/200_1_.png?1323460666" /><h5>Conference from 2012-06-06 to 2012-06-08.</h5><p>Software has entered the private and social life. This conference shall bring together new technical trends, research and applications. We are looking for new technical approaches, ideas, theories and concepts in research but also for new applications. The conference will focus especially but is not limited on the following topics around Non-<span class="caps">SQL</span> and social applications. <span class="caps">INOSA</span> is the successor of the famous <span class="caps">TMRA</span> conferences.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Fri, 09 Dec 2011 19:57:47 +0000
befdata [New project at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="1207744553_1022_00_111" src="/project/thumbnail/184/card/1207744553_1022_00_111.jpg?1313163214" /><p>The Chinese-European <span class="caps">DFG</span> Research Unit “BEF China” (<span class="caps">FOR</span> 891) has started a new forest Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning (<span class="caps">BEF</span>) experiment in subtropical forests in China. Within “Central project Z2: Data management” a data portal specifically tailored to reflect the main scientific questions and the experimental design of the experiment is developed. The Portal shall shall not only be applyable to the befchina experiment but to other similar experiments as well.</p>
<p>Within the befdata project topicmaps are used especially for providing identity to the data.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Fri, 12 Aug 2011 15:33:34 +0000
Open Government Data Konferenz 2011 [New event at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="Bild-1_1_" src="/event/thumbnail/60/card/Bild-1_1_.png?1306868411" /><h5>Conference at 2011-06-16.</h5><p>Erstmals findet in Österreich eine Konferenz zum Thema Open Government Data statt: die OGD2011. Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an jene, die am Prozess der Bereitstellung von Offenen Daten teilnehmen: Politik, öffentliche Verwaltung, Zivilgesellschaft und Wirtschaft.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Tue, 31 May 2011 19:00:11 +0000
Cassa [New project at topicmapslab.de]
<p>A <span class="caps">SPARQL</span> 1.1 Graph Store <span class="caps">HTTP</span> Protocol implementation for <span class="caps">RDF</span> and Topic Maps. The protocol allows creation of graphs, deletion of graphs and updating graphs and discovery of graphs (through the service description). The protocol is rather generic, so it’s usable for Topic Maps as well. More about the protocol <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-sparql11-http-rdf-update-20110512/">here</a>.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Mon, 23 May 2011 20:21:11 +0000
Oomap Loomap [New project at topicmapslab.de]
<p>Oomap Loomap is a <span class="caps">GUI</span> to execute queries against locally loaded Topic Maps.</p>
<p>Currently it supports the following languages: <a href="http://www.isotopicmaps.org/tmql/"><span class="caps">TMQL</span></a> (TMQL4J implementation), <a href="http://www.ontopia.net/topicmaps/materials/tolog.html">tolog</a> (Ontopia implementation), and <a href="https://ontopia.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/sandbox/toma/doc/TW_UM_TOMA_110.pdf">Toma</a>.</p>
<p>Similar projects are <a href="/projects/tmql-console"><span class="caps">TMQL</span> Console</a> and <a href="/projects/tamana">Tamana</a>.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Thu, 12 May 2011 18:30:13 +0000
Tamana [New project at topicmapslab.de]
<p>Tamana is a tool to view and refine topic maps. It provides a Maiana-like viewer, a refine view and a <span class="caps">TMQL</span> console to test <span class="caps">TMQL</span> Queries or to access a topic map via <span class="caps">TMQL</span>.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Tue, 03 May 2011 14:09:18 +0000
MaJorToM Server [New project at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="5521688303_8d31eb709e_m_1_" src="/project/thumbnail/180/card/5521688303_8d31eb709e_m_1_.jpg?1303891209" /><p>Majortom Server is a Spring application which provides a <span class="caps">TMQL</span> <span class="caps">HTTP</span> interface to query topic maps. The server allows you to easily distribute topic maps sources.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Wed, 27 Apr 2011 08:00:10 +0000
CouchTM [New project at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="5243268405_43e09a120b_m_1_" src="/project/thumbnail/179/card/5243268405_43e09a120b_m_1_.jpg?1303380970" /><p>CouchTM is a <span class="caps">TMAPI</span> topic maps engine which uses the CouchDB as backend. CouchTM can be used like any other Java based topic maps engine. <a href="/publications/coucht-tm-bsc-thesis">Hans-Henning Koch’s Bachlor thesis</a> provides more information about CouchTM. <a href="https://code.google.com/p/couchtm/">CouchTM</a> as well <a href="http://couchdb.apache.org/">CouchDB</a> is available as open source.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Thu, 21 Apr 2011 10:16:10 +0000
schemafit [New project at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="4828178404_9fb42922f8_m_1_" src="/project/thumbnail/178/card/4828178404_9fb42922f8_m_1_.jpg?1303378113" /><p>Schemafit is a generic tool which extracts from an “unknown” topic map a fitting <span class="caps">TMCL</span> schema.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Thu, 21 Apr 2011 09:28:33 +0000
MaJorToM-Connector [New project at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="85299392_a8e2f23207_m_1_" src="/project/thumbnail/177/card/85299392_a8e2f23207_m_1_.jpg?1303110504" /><p>This Ruby gem provides easy access to any MaJorToM-Server. It allows you to easily decouple your Topic Maps backend from the application.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Mon, 18 Apr 2011 07:08:24 +0000
duke - fast deduplication engine [New project at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="165987104_721b792428_m_1_" src="/project/thumbnail/176/card/165987104_721b792428_m_1_.jpg?1302786759" /><p>Duke is a fast and flexible deduplication (or entity resolution, or record linkage) engine written in Java on top of Lucene. At the moment (2011-04-07) it can process 1,000,000 records in 11 minutes on a standard laptop in a single thread.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Thu, 14 Apr 2011 13:12:39 +0000
TMQL Canonizer [New project at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="4921610984_30d3252043_m_1_" src="/project/thumbnail/175/card/4921610984_30d3252043_m_1_.jpg?1302784762" /><p>The <span class="caps">TMQL</span> canonizer is a Java server page (<span class="caps">JSP</span>) which validates a <span class="caps">TMQL</span> query against the 2008, 2010 or 2011 draft of the query language. If the query is not valid, the detailed parsing error is presented. In the case the query is valid, the canonical form of the query and the complete parse tree is given.</p>
<p>The code of the canonizer is available in the <a href="http://code.google.com/p/tmql/wiki/TMQL4JWebUI">TMQL4J</a> project.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Thu, 14 Apr 2011 12:39:22 +0000
TMQL-BIRT Data Provider [New project at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="Seestern_128" src="/project/thumbnail/174/card/seestern_128.png?1303378609" /><p><span class="caps">BIRT</span> is an open source Eclipse-based reporting system that integrates with Java/Java EE applications to produce compelling reports. The <span class="caps">TMQL</span> <span class="caps">BIRT</span> Data Provider is a new Data Source loading a Topic Map and querying it with <span class="caps">TMQL</span>. Hence your are able to use all your topic maps data in your reports.</p>
<p><span class="caps">UPDATE</span> 2011-26-04: Version 0.9 beta released</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Tue, 12 Apr 2011 13:25:28 +0000
Genny - Generic Topic Maps Editor SDK [New project at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="17871590_19a5a89313_m_1_" src="/project/thumbnail/173/card/17871590_19a5a89313_m_1_.jpg?1302609298" /><p>With Genny it is possible to create a topic map editor based on a <span class="caps">TMCL</span> schema. The editor uses <a href="http://code.google.com/p/aranuka">Aranuka</a> to store generated POJOs into a topic map using <a href="http://code.google.com/p/majortom">majortom</a> as topic maps engine. The input masks for the editors are generated by <a href="http://code.google.com/p/kuria">Kuria</a>. The generated editor will be an Eclipse <span class="caps">RCP</span> application. The auto-generation facilities are built into <a href="http://onotoa.topicmapslab.de">Onotoa</a>.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Tue, 12 Apr 2011 11:54:58 +0000
Spreadsheet Data Connector [New project at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="2469235322_2f8fcf9704_m_1_" src="/project/thumbnail/172/card/2469235322_2f8fcf9704_m_1_.jpg?1302599638" /><p>The project provides an abstract layer on top of the Apache <span class="caps">POI</span> library (which allows to access spreadsheet data). The abstraction layer provides a specified query language (Spreadsheet Query Language - eXql) and additional method to access a spreadsheet.</p>
<p>The current version is designed to support the <span class="caps">XLS</span> and <span class="caps">XLSX</span> format of Microsoft© Excel® files. Excel® is registered trademark of Microsoft©.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Tue, 12 Apr 2011 09:13:58 +0000
SEMAPRO 2010 [New event at topicmapslab.de]
<h5>Conference from 2010-10-25 to 2010-10-30.</h5><p>The inaugural International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing, <span class="caps">SEMAPRO</span> 2007, was initiated considering the complexity of understanding and processing information. Semantic processing considers contextual dependencies and adds to the individually acquired knowledge emergent properties and understanding. Hardware and software support and platforms were developed for semantically enhanced information retrieval and interpretation. Searching for video, voice and speech [<span class="caps">VVS</span>] raises additional problems to specialized engines with respect to text search. Contextual searching and special patterns-based techniques are current solutions.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Mon, 11 Apr 2011 07:37:44 +0000
TM2O - an OData service for topic maps [New project at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="Odata_1_" src="/project/thumbnail/171/card/odata_1_.png?1302084966" /><p>TM2O exposes Topic Maps data as Odata. The <a href="http://www.odata.org">Open Data Protocol</a> (OData) is a Web protocol for querying (and updating) data that provides a way to unlock the data and free it from silos that exist in applications today. Usually the topic maps exposed by this service as OData are managed by an external <a href="http://code.google.com/p/majortom-server/">MaJorToM Server</a>, but can also be stored locally in the service. You will find a list of <a href="http://www.odata.org/consumers">OData consumers here</a>. The TM2O documentation provides a <a href="http://code.google.com/p/tm2o/wiki/GettingStarted">getting started section</a>.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Wed, 06 Apr 2011 10:14:07 +0000
Aranuka Code Generator [New project at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="2667983589_f66fb7c9d8_m_d_1_" src="/project/thumbnail/170/card/2667983589_f66fb7c9d8_m_d_1_.jpg?1300977392" /><p>This project provides a library to generate Java POJOs based on Topic Maps schemas. The generated classes will have annotations for <a href="/projects/aranuka">Aranuka, the Pojo to Topic Map mapper</a>.</p>
<p>In addtion it is possible to add Kuria annotations to create <span class="caps">SWT</span> input masks based on the model code.</p>
<p>Another flag will generate helper classes for another Topic Maps Lab project: <a href="/projects/genny">Genny - The Generic Editor Software Developement Kit</a>. This project will be open source soon.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Thu, 24 Mar 2011 14:36:32 +0000
TMQL syntax for Codepress [New project at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="3521601932_cdec3acb88_m_d_1_" src="/project/thumbnail/169/card/3521601932_cdec3acb88_m_d_1_.jpg?1300974100" /><p><span class="caps">TMQL</span> syntax for highlighting <span class="caps">TMQL</span> in Codepress. This syntax is used in <a href="https://maiana.topicmapslab.de/u/lmaicher/query/opera/tmql">Maiana</a>.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Thu, 24 Mar 2011 13:41:40 +0000
TMQL Console [New project at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="4245882362_667c863b3d_s_1_" src="/project/thumbnail/168/card/4245882362_667c863b3d_s_1_.jpg?1300973614" /><p><span class="caps">TMQL</span> console to run <span class="caps">TMQL</span> queries against locally loaded topic maps. The <span class="caps">TMQL</span> console uses <a href="/projects/TMQL4J">TMQL4J</a> and <a href="/projects/majortom">MaJorToM-in-memory</a>. It is implemented in Java.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Thu, 24 Mar 2011 13:33:34 +0000
Karl-Benjamin-Preusker-Portal [New project at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="Preusker_1_" src="/project/thumbnail/167/card/preusker_1_.png?1300438716" /><p>Karl Benjamin Preusker (* 22. September 1786 in Löbau; † 15. April 1871 in Großenhain) is the founding father of scientific archaeology and general public education in the former kingdom of Saxony.</p>
<p>The portal documents the correspondence of Preusker. Hence it provides deep insights into the social network around this historical figure. The project is a cooperation of the <a href="http://www.archaeologie.sachsen.de/">State ministry of archaeology in Saxony</a>, the Topic Maps Lab and <a href="http://www.tml-consulting.net/"><span class="caps">TML</span> consulting</a>.</p>
<p>The data is manually collected with a tool automatically generated based on the ontology (in <a href="/projects/onotoa">Onotoa</a>). The portal is a Ruby on Rails application with a <a href="/projects/majortom">MaJorToM</a> server as backend. It uses several javascript libraries for the visualisation features. More technical details (in German) are provided <a href="http://preusker.topicmapslab.de/portal">here</a>.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Fri, 18 Mar 2011 08:58:36 +0000
Repertoire of the St. Thomas church boy choral (1808-2008) [New project at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="495374427_a4569d39c2_m_1_" src="/project/thumbnail/166/card/495374427_a4569d39c2_m_1_.jpg?1299511864" /><p>Das Ziel des Vorhabens ist es, eine <span class="caps">EDV</span>-gestützte Bestandsaufnahme zum Repertoire („Ka*non“) des Leipziger Thomanerchors (1808-2008) sowohl der Forschung wie auch der inte*ressierten Öffentlichkeit als Datenbank online verfügbar zu machen. Die aufbereiteten Mas*sendaten gewähren einen möglichst lückenlosen Einblick in die Aufführungsstatistik (Erfas*sung von Komponisten und Werktiteln) und die Aufführungspraxis (Besetzungen, Bearbei*tungen, Spielorte, Mitwirkende). Mittels gezielter Datenabfrage wird es den Nutzern möglich sein, die jeweils gewünschten personenbezogenen, repertoire- und programm*statistischen Auskünfte zu erhalten. Die umfängliche Evaluation, die sich auf die Zeitspanne von zwei Jahrhunderten konzentriert, soll die Statik und Dynamik des musikalischen, theologischen, stadt- und kulturgeschichtlichen Profils des Chors einzigartig greifbar machen. Sie bietet eine unverzichtbare Grundlage nicht nur zur umsichtigen Darstellung des städtischen und kirchli*chen Musiklebens, sondern ebenso zur Beurteilung der Chorpraxis in gesellschaftspolitischer Hinsicht. Erste Auswertungen der Befunde bleiben einer eigen*stän*digen Publikation vorbe*halten, die im Rahmen weiterer musikwissenschaftlicher und kirchen*geschichtlicher For*schungen zur 800-Jahrfeier des Chors (2012) erscheint.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Mon, 07 Mar 2011 15:31:04 +0000
JTM writer [New project at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="5453086704_055fdc54af_m_1_" src="/project/thumbnail/165/card/5453086704_055fdc54af_m_1_.jpg?1299509580" /><p>The <span class="caps">JTM</span> writer is an open source, Java based deserializer for the <span class="caps">JSON</span> topic maps notation. The <span class="caps">JTM</span> writer is built into <a href="https://maiana.topicmapslab.de/dashboard">Maiana</a>. The writer supports both avaible version of the <span class="caps">JTM</span> notation <a href="http://www.cerny-online.com/jtm/1.0/">1.0</a> and <a href="http://www.cerny-online.com/jtm/1.1/">1.1</a>.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Mon, 07 Mar 2011 14:41:44 +0000
3rd International Conference of Managing Knowledge for Space Missions [New event at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="Kmmedblue" src="/event/thumbnail/58/card/KMmedblue.gif?1299252055" /><h5>Conference from 2010-06-21 to 2010-06-23.</h5><p>Aerospace companies and space agencies are making use of a large variety of methods to capture, store, organize, and distribute key knowledge from their experts and missions. These methods involve different processes, people, and technologies to accomplish the goals of the organization. The focus of the Conference is on how the different organizations have organized Knowledge Management internally, and also the processes they are using. Learning how Knowledge Management issues are addressed help to improve the mutual understanding of Knowledge Management and build a forum on how in the future the global community can do so.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Fri, 04 Mar 2011 15:20:55 +0000
PSMID.de [New project at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="2268057816_0cefb19586_m_1_" src="/project/thumbnail/164/card/2268057816_0cefb19586_m_1_.jpg?1299052116" /><p>Information portal about plant protection products in Germany. The portal bases on the semantic <a href="/projects/topicworks-excel-plugin">topicWorks technology</a> from <a href="http://nexxor.de/">Nexxor</a>.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Wed, 02 Mar 2011 07:45:40 +0000
Data repositories in environmental sciences - concepts, definitions, technical solutions and user requirements [New event at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="725506740_9ddc987e61_m_1_" src="/event/thumbnail/57/card/725506740_9ddc987e61_m_1_.jpg?1298887474" /><h5>Meeting at 2011-03-01.</h5><p>Quality proofed research data build the foundation for scientific knowledge gain. Although billions of Euros are spent annually in Germany alone to acquire data only a fraction are accessible over time and are re-used in further contexts. The Alliance of German Science Organisations acknowledges this problem and pools activities for their solutions. Interdisciplinary research project repositories are at the intersection of data collection in the field, work-in-progress-storage, and long-term archiving. Against this background the workshop explores required standards of data capture, data curation and interchange with respect to technical and social issues, and addresses<br />
challenges in long-term archiving in a national and international framework.</p>
<p>The aim is to bring together the community of project database manager, standards developer, information scientists, librarians, and funding agencies. As results, we anticipate a better communication between the many disciplines, an overview of the current state of the art and a roadmap for future activities.</p>
<p>(Photo http://www.flickr.com/photos/lipkee/725506740/ )</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Mon, 28 Feb 2011 10:04:35 +0000
Notesmappr [New project at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="Hi-256-0-4a9ac328b1a9d69a16a3fecc2d0207b590d7dfe0_1_" src="/project/thumbnail/163/card/hi-256-0-4a9ac328b1a9d69a16a3fecc2d0207b590d7dfe0_1_.png?1298886768" /><p>NotesMappr is semantic note taking - note taking that fits your brain.</p>
<p>NotesMappr is a semantic note taking app. NotesMappr’s contextual note taking features enable the effective transmission and transformation of knowledge, ideas, and experiences.</p>
<p>NotesMappr is unique in that it provides you with the ability to establish meaningful relationships between your notes. Hence, NotesMappr’s distinguishing feature is the ability to both establish formal relationships (or associations) between notes and subsequently navigate said notes in a very straightforward manner.</p>
<p>Furthermore, When you type “WikiWords” (words with multiple capital letters) in the body of a note, NotesMappr automatically turns said WikiWords into links to other notes - just tap a link to create the new note. The WikiWords feature is an additional way to create and manage notes within their context.</p>
<p>Obviously, a set of notes, in and of itself is a valuable thing. However, said set of notes becomes much more valuable if the notes themselves are related in an appropriate manner.</p>
<p>Having context gives you a lot of benefits. For example, context enables both easy and quick discovery of information saving you time. Furthermore, context enables you to expand your knowledge without the risk of your knowledge becoming disjointed or fragmented.</p>
<p>Please keep in mind that NotesMappr’s specific purpose is the semantic organization of notes. If you have no need or desire to organize your notes in a contextual manner, then it is highly unlikely that NotesMappr will be appropriate for your needs. That is, if all you want in terms of organizing your notes is either a simple list or folder structure, then NotesMappr’s semantic features will introduce a level of unwanted complexity.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Mon, 28 Feb 2011 09:52:48 +0000
Goozzee [New project at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="173337751_85f102c37d_m_1_" src="/project/thumbnail/162/card/173337751_85f102c37d_m_1_.jpg?1298880686" /><p>Goozzee’s goal is to offer an easy-to-use knowledge management solution, suitable for small teams or companies.</p>
<p>Unlike most existing knowledge management software, Goozzee’s classification system isn’t based on hierarchies or tags: it uses Topic Maps, which allow a much more advanced and flexible knowledge classification.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Mon, 28 Feb 2011 08:08:55 +0000
cablemap [New project at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="369390614_740209e0c7_m_1_" src="/project/thumbnail/161/card/369390614_740209e0c7_m_1_.jpg?1297845710" /><p>Cablemap converts the WikiLeaks Cablegate dataset into Topic Maps. Further, <br />
it provides utilities to extract information from the Cablegate dataset <br />
independently of Topic Maps.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Wed, 16 Feb 2011 08:41:50 +0000
NECOBELAC [New project at topicmapslab.de]
<img alt="Necobelac_logo_1_" src="/project/thumbnail/160/card/NECOBELAC_logo_1_.png?1297692550" /><p><span class="caps">NECOBELAC</span> is a Network of Collaboration Between Europe & Latin American-Caribbean countries. The project works in the field of public health <span class="caps">NECOBELAC</span> aims to improve scientific writing, promote open access publication models, and foster technical and scientific cooperation between Europe & Latin American Caribbean (<span class="caps">LAC</span>) countries.</p>
<p><span class="caps">NECOBELAC</span> acts through training activities in scientific writing and open access by organizing courses for trainers in European and <span class="caps">LAC</span> institutions.</p>
topic@topicmapslab.de (tmlab)
Mon, 14 Feb 2011 14:09:10 +0000