News of the Topic Maps Lab
The Topic Maps Lab is a working group at the University of Leipzig, Germany.
News of the Topic Maps Lab
Local TV channel is covering the Topic Maps based portal about Karl-Benjamin Preusker
<p>The video is available <a href="">here</a></p> (Lutz Maicher)
Wed, 31 Aug 2011 21:27:56 +0000
MaJorToM server v. 1.0.0 released
<img alt="Seestern_128" src="/document/thumbnail/153/card/seestern_128.png?1303891991" /><p>Today the Topic Maps Lab has released the version 1.0.0 of the MaJorToM server. The server acts as <span class="caps">TMQL</span> endpoint for Topic Maps based applications. You can play around with an instance of the server <a href="">here</a>.</p>
<p>The sources of the MaJorToM server are available at <a href="">Google code</a>. In the <a href="">installation instructions</a> you will learn how you can build and deploy your own instances of the MaJorToM server. Once you have deployed the server for your own, you will have an <a href="">administration interface</a> and a <a href=""><span class="caps">TMQL</span> interface</a>. But the server is not only a <span class="caps">TMQL</span> endpoint for the data. It also provides full text search (based on <a href="/projects/Beru">Beru</a>) and a <a href=""><span class="caps">SPARQL</span> enpoint</a> to the hosted topic maps.</p>
<p>With the next release Maiana will act as a frontend for topic maps delivered by remote MaJorToM server. Besides the Maiana integration the MaJorToM server is very well integrated with <a href="">TM2O - the OData provider</a> for Topic Maps.</p> (Lutz Maicher)
Wed, 27 Apr 2011 08:13:12 +0000
CouchTM Released
<img alt="Seestern_128" src="/document/thumbnail/152/card/seestern_128.png?1303381500" /><p>Apache CouchDB is a document-oriented database that can be queried and indexed in a MapReduce fashion. <a href="">According to the website CouchDB</a> is:</p>
<li>A document database server, accessible via a RESTful <span class="caps">JSON</span> <span class="caps">API</span>.</li>
<li>Ad-hoc and schema-free with a flat address space.</li>
<li>Distributed, featuring robust, incremental replication with bi-directional conflict detection and management.</li>
<li>Query-able and index-able, featuring a table oriented reporting engine that uses JavaScript as a query language.</li>
<p>Inspired by the increasing impact of NoSQL approaches like CoucDB we developed CouchTM. This a <span class="caps">TMAPI</span> topic maps engine which uses the CouchDB as backend. CouchTM can be used like any other Java based topic maps engine. <a href="/publications/coucht-tm-bsc-thesis">Hans-Henning Koch’s Bachlor thesis</a> provides more information about CouchTM (in German). <a href="">CouchTM</a> as well <a href="">CouchDB</a> are available as open source.</p> (Lutz Maicher)
Thu, 21 Apr 2011 10:25:00 +0000
Kuria v. 1.0.1 Released
<img alt="Seestern_128" src="/document/thumbnail/151/card/seestern_128.png?1303373414" /><p>Kuria provides a set of java annotations and a parser to generate bindings for widget classes. These bindings are used to create input masks, tables and trees for the annotated domain model. It is strongly advised to use Kuria inside Eclipse plug-ins or maven projects.</p>
<p>Kuria is completely independent from any Topic Maps technology. But the <a href="/articles/onotoa-screencast-1">Ontology-based automatic generation of applications in Onotoa</a> uses <a href="/projects/aranuka">Aranuka</a> in conjunction with Kuria.</p>
<p>The new Kuria version 1.0.1 is mainly bug fixing and provide the following new features:</p>
<li>added weight attribute to field annotations to set order of widgets</li>
<li>create widgets for annotated super classes in InputMask</li>
<li>added <a href="">Annox</a> support (only in non OSGi environments)</li>
<p>You will get the <a href="">sources and the change log kor Kuria at Google Code</a>.</p> (Lutz Maicher)
Thu, 21 Apr 2011 08:10:15 +0000
Aranuka v. 1.1.0 Released
<img alt="Seestern_128" src="/document/thumbnail/150/card/seestern_128.png?1303204172" /><p>Aranuka is a framework which allows users to persist information stored in Java objects into a topic map without the need to implement the necessary calls to the used Topic Maps engine. The mapping between the Java model and the topic map is defined directly in the related model classes via Java-Annotations. The Annotations hold all information needed by Aranuka which makes it very easy to use Aranuka with an existing model or to change the model or mapping.</p>
<p>Besides some bug fixing the new and matured version 1.1.0 has the following new features (<a href="">see the change log</a>) :</p>
<li>add auto-generate flag to Id annotation → identifiers which are null will be generated if true</li>
<li>implemented <span class="caps">TMQL</span> query for session</li>
<li>added “addPackage” for class registration</li>
<li>using proxies for topic retrieval which enables lazy loading of attributes</li>
<li>implements count method of session /admin/documents</li>
<p>If you want to use Aranuka you can build it your own or you can <a href="">download the the latest release at Google code</a>. Getting started with the <a href="">documentation</a> for Aranuka.</p> (Lutz Maicher)
Tue, 19 Apr 2011 09:09:32 +0000
TMQL4J 3.1.0 Released
<img alt="Seestern_128" src="/document/thumbnail/149/card/seestern_128.png?1303129894" /><p>The new version 3.1.0 of the TMQL4J query suite is released at <a href="">Google code</a>. TMQL4J is used in bunch of projects from the Topic Maps Lab to query and modify Topic Maps sources.</p>
<p>Besides some bug fixing the important changes for version 3.1.0 are:</p>
<li>new behavior of roles axis
<li>forward navigation return the roles of an association</li>
<li>backward navigation returns the association acts as parent of a role</li>
<li>new behavior of players axis
<li>forward navigation return the players of a role or all roles of the association</li>
<li>backward navigation returns the roles played by the topic</li>
<li>new roletypes axis
<li>forward navigation results in the role types of an association</li>
<li>backward navigation results in the associations having a role with this type</li>
<li>new datatype axis</li>
<li>new update operator ‘<span class="caps">REMOVE</span>’ to update clause
<li>avaible for: names, occurrences, characteristics, locators, indicators, item, scope, topics, types, supertypes, subtypes, instances</li>
<li>characteristics added as alias for names and occurrences modification</li>
<li>add variants anchor as update context</li>
<li>new method @IResultSet
<li><strong>toTopicMap</strong>: If the result set supports this operation, it will return a topic map copy containing only the topics and association contained in</li>
<li><strong>toCTM</strong>: If the result set supports this operation, it will return a <span class="caps">CTM</span> string or stream containing only the topics and association contained in</li>
<li><strong>toXTM</strong>: If the result set supports this operation, it will return an <span class="caps">XTM</span> string or stream containing only the topics and association contained in</li>
<li><strong>toJTMQR</strong>: If the result set supports this operation, it will return a <span class="caps">JTMQR</span> string or stream containing only the topics and association contained in</li>
<li>rename method resultsAsMergedCTM to toCTM</li>
<li>rename method resultsAsTopicMap to toTopicMap</li>
<li>rename method resultsAsMergedXML to toXML</li>
<li>add stream variant of method toXML</li>
<li>the arguments on update roles are modified argument before operator is the role type, the value after is the player</li>
<li>update-clause allow any value-expression in front of the operator</li>
<li>moving some classes</li>
<li>new function fn:max expecting two arguments
<li>context of count and counts</li>
<li>e.g.: fn:max ( // tm:subject , fn:count ( . / tm:name )) to get the maximum number of names a topic instance contains</li>
<li>new function fn:min expecting two arguments
<li>context of count and counts</li>
<li>e.g.: fn:min ( // tm:subject , fn:count ( . / tm:name )) to get the minimum number of names a topic instance contains</li>
<li>value-expression supports boolean-expression to return true or false</li>
<li>the update handler checks the value of occ and variants according to the datatype (validate the value for the given datatype)
<li>a pragma was added to disable this functionality datatype-validation</li>
<li>the update of variants and occurrences will reuse the datatype instead of setting string automatically, like <span class="caps">TMAPI</span> do
<li>a pragma was added to disable this functionality datatype-binding</li>
<li>allow prepared argument add new positions:
<li>as optional axis argument</li>
<li>as part of update value</li>
<p>You can use the <a href=""><span class="caps">TMQL</span> canonizer</a> to check you <span class="caps">TMQL</span> queries against the new version. The full <a href="">change log and the source code is available at Google code.</a></p> (Lutz Maicher)
Mon, 18 Apr 2011 12:31:34 +0000
MaJorToM v. 1.2.0 Released
<img alt="Seestern_128" src="/document/thumbnail/148/card/seestern_128.png?1302865703" /><p>Our topic maps engine MaJorToM is used in a bunch of projects of the Topic Maps Lab, i.e. it is the backbone for Maiana. Besides some bug fixing the new and matured version 1.2.0 <a href="">provides paging</a> with the following methods:</p>
<li>new interface IPagedTopicMap with following methods
<li>List:getAssociations(int, int)</li>
<li>List:getAssociations(int, int, Comparator)</li>
<li>List:getTopics(int, int)</li>
<li>List:getTopics(int, int, Comparator)</li>
<li>new methods at IPagedConstructIndex
<li>List:getAssociations(int, int)</li>
<li>List:getAssociations(int, int, Comparator)</li>
<li>List:getTopics(int, int)</li>
<li>List:getTopics(int, int, Comparator)</li>
<li>new getNumberOf… methods at paged indexes</li>
<p>You can read the full change log for MaJorToM <a href="">here</a>.</p>
<p>If you want to start working with MaJorToM you can build it your own or you can download the jar files for the latest version at <a href="">Google code</a>. Start with the <a href="">documentation</a> have a look at the <a href="">javadoc for MaJorToM</a>.</p> (Lutz Maicher)
Fri, 15 Apr 2011 11:08:24 +0000
TMQL canonizer Released
<img alt="Seestern_128" src="/document/thumbnail/147/card/seestern_128.png?1302785508" /><p>Today the Topic Maps Lab has released the <span class="caps">TMQL</span> canonizer, which is an online validation service for <span class="caps">TMQL</span> queries.The service uses the <a href=""><span class="caps">TMQL</span> draft of 2008 and the tmql4j query engine version 3.1.0</a>.</p>
<p>As depicted in the figure below the service returns the canonical form of a given query. Furthermore the parse tree is given. In the case the given <span class="caps">TMQL</span> query is not valid, the parse error is returned in details.</p>
<p>The <span class="caps">TMQL</span> canonizer is <a href="">online available</a>. Simply try the following <span class="caps">TMQL</span> query:</p>
MINUS >> typed
>> roles >> players</code></p>
<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>
<p>The code of the servlet is available as open source in the <a href="">TMQL4J project at Google code</a>.</p>
<p><span class="caps">UPDATE</span> 2011-04-15: The canonizer now supports not only the 2008 draft of <span class="caps">TMQL</span>, but also the 2010 and 2011 draft.</p> (Lutz Maicher)
Thu, 14 Apr 2011 12:51:48 +0000
Spreadsheet Data Connector Released
<img alt="Seestern_128" src="/document/thumbnail/146/card/seestern_128.png?1302601818" /><p>This project contains an abstract layer on top of the <a href="">Apache <span class="caps">POI</span> library</a>. This abstraction layer provides the <a href="">Spreadsheet Query Language - eXql</a> and additional method to access spreadsheets. The current version is designed to support the <span class="caps">XLS</span> and <span class="caps">XLSX</span> format of Microsoft© Excel® files.</p>
<p>The Spreadsheet Data Connector is well suited for all use cases where you have to access data in Excel sheets <strong>and</strong> you need a sophisticated language to address and query the data.</p>
<p>Currently the Spreadsheet Data Connector is used in our social topic maps explorer <a href="">Maiana</a>. In example the information <a href="">for the topic places</a> is extracted in runtime from an Excel® sheet by using the Spreadsheet Data Connector.</p>
<p><a href="">A download and the code</a> is available as Open Source under the Apache Licence 2.0.</p> (Lutz Maicher)
Tue, 12 Apr 2011 09:50:18 +0000
Preusker 2011 - cooperation with the Archaeological Heritage Office of Saxony and TML consulting
<img alt="Preusker_logo_klein_1_" src="/document/thumbnail/144/card/Preusker_Logo_klein_1_.jpg?1300451349" /><p><a href="">Karl Benjamin Preusker</a> (* 22. September 1786 in <a href="">Löbau</a>; † 15. April 1871 in <a href="">Großenhain</a>) is the founding father of scientific archaeology and general public education in the former kingdom of Saxony.</p>
<p>Under the patronage of the Saxony state minister Prof. v. Schorlemmer this year the <a href="">Preusker Jahr 2011</a> is celebrated. The <a href="">Archaeological Heritage Office of Saxony</a>, it’s native town Löbau and the home town of the Preusker library Großenhain partnered to provide a series of exhibitions and events about Preusker.</p>
<p>The Topic Maps Lab and <a href=""><span class="caps">TML</span>-Consulting</a> support the consortium to provide more information about Preusker. The first outcome of this cooperation is <a href="/projects/preusker-portal">a portal about the correspondence of Preusker</a>. Thanks to this portal the users will be get an impression about the social network of Preusker.</p> (Lutz Maicher and Sven Windisch)
Fri, 18 Mar 2011 12:29:09 +0000
The Topic Maps Lab was exhibiting at the CeBIT 2011.
<img alt="Img_3803" src="/document/thumbnail/143/card/IMG_3803.jpg?1299607775" /><p>With more than 4200 companies from about 70 countries, the CeBIT is the biggest event of the digital industry. According to the fair’s theme “Work and Life with the cloud”, we presented semantic data integration solutions in Maiana, our flexible and social Topic Maps Explorer….and there was a huge amount of interest, both from scientific and economic side. As you can see, it was an inspiring event for everyone.</p>
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<p>TMLab @ CeBIT 2011</p>
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Tue, 08 Mar 2011 18:09:35 +0000
Press coverage for Thomaner project
<img alt="Thomaner-press-coverage" src="/document/thumbnail/142/card/thomaner-press-coverage.png?1299513799" /><p>In 2012 Leipzig will celebrate the 800th anniversary of the famous boy choral <a href="">Thomaner</a>. Funded by the German Research Foundation and in cooperation with historians at the University of Leipzig the Lab is working on a database for the chorale’s repertoire from 1808 to 2008. Naturally the whole solution will base on Topic Maps.</p>
<p>In preparation of the launch in late autumn this year the local newspaper covered the project with an <a href="/media_asset/file_link/67/LVZ_Thomaner.pdf">article in print</a> and a slightly different <a href="">on the website</a> (both are in <span class="caps">GERMAN</span>).</p>
<p>See the whole press coverage of the Lab <a href="/press_review">here</a>.</p> (Lutz Maicher)
Mon, 07 Mar 2011 16:03:19 +0000
JTM writer 1.0 released as open source
<img alt="Seestern_128" src="/document/thumbnail/141/card/seestern_128.png?1299510112" /><p>The <span class="caps">JTM</span> writer is a Java based deserializer for the <span class="caps">JSON</span> topic maps notation. The source code is now available at <a href="">Google Code</a> . The <span class="caps">JTM</span> writer is in productive usage in Maiana and other projects of the Lab.</p> (Lutz Maicher)
Mon, 07 Mar 2011 15:01:53 +0000
Maiana February Release
<img alt="February_release_pic" src="/document/thumbnail/138/card/february_release_pic.png?1298325273" /><ul>
<li><strong>New design</strong>: Check out our fresh new design to present data in a topic map (e.g. the <a href="">Opera Topic Map</a>). Do you like it? We also extended the ‘Overview’ box to summarize every action available to the topic map. Last but not least, we added pagination to avoid long load time and vertical scrolling.</li>
<li><strong>New TMQL4J version</strong>: We now run on TMQL4J v. 3.1.0-<span class="caps">SNAPSHOT</span> (see <a href="/news/tmql4j-300-release">TMQL4J 3.0.0 Release News</a> for more information). Currently, only queries compliant to the <span class="caps">TMQL</span> draft of 2008 are supported.</li>
<li><strong>Donating queries</strong>: <span class="caps">TMQL</span> and <span class="caps">SPARQL</span> queries which until now could only be used privately may now be set public. Thus enabling sharing of queries or simply promoting a interesting query result. An overview of queries may be found on the users corresponding profile page.</li>
<li><strong>Syntax Highlighting of <span class="caps">TMQL</span> Queries</strong>: And because reading queries is difficult as it is we now use syntax highlighting displaying queries and even some autocompletion (try typing “<span class="caps">FOR</span>”<tab>)</li>
<li><strong>“More about this subject”</strong>: To enhance the browsing experience we now look up additional information whilst visiting a topic page. This expands our use of the Semantic Search to also show topics available in visible maps on Maiana and even providing similarity information (<a href="">Opera</a>).</li>
<li><strong>Maiana Search Provider</strong>: Do you like using your browsers search field? Try adding Maiana as a search provider and find more, faster!</li>
<p>Maiana will be presented at CeBIT 2011, Hall 5, Stand E02!</p> (Uta Schulze and Michael Prilop)
Mon, 21 Feb 2011 21:54:33 +0000
New MaJorToM Topic Map Store based on redis
<img alt="Seestern_128_1_" src="/document/thumbnail/137/card/seestern_128_1_.png_1276882570_1_.png_1297858664.png?1298232208" /><p>Today we added a new backend to the powerful Topic Maps engine MaJorToM: the Redis Topic Map Store. <a href="">Redis</a> is an open source, advanced key-value-store supporting strings, sets, hashes and lists as values. The code is published at the <a href="">MaJorTom Google Code project</a>.</p>
<p>The new topic map store is the perfect combination of a light-weight and persistent data store. It enables a parallel access without the need to implement own thread locking mechanism. Redis is easy to administrate and enables very fast read and write access. Additionally it allows replication to multiple servers using its built-in sharding functionality.</p>
<p>To make a topic map storage within a Redis database, we recreated the schema of the <a href="">Topic Maps Data Model</a> based on the Redis possibilities. The Schema is documented <a href="">here</a>. We are looking forward for comments on both the Redis store and the schema.</p>
<p><em>Update 2011-04-14:</em> <a href="/people/Johannes_Schmidt">Johannes Schmidt</a> has published <a href="">another proposal for mapping of the Topic Maps Data Model to Redis schema</a>.</p> (Sven Krosse and Benjamin Bock)
Fri, 18 Feb 2011 14:14:20 +0000
Tmql4j Suite 3.0.0 Released
<img alt="Seestern_128_1_" src="/document/thumbnail/136/card/seestern_128_1_.png_1276882570.png?1297858664" /><p>The new version 3.0.0 of the tmql4j query suite was released at google code. In this version tmql4j is more flexible and powerful to satisfy every business use case.</p>
<p>As a major modification, the engine architecture and processing model was changed. The new suite contains two different <span class="caps">TMQL</span> runtimes, one for each <span class="caps">TMQL</span> draft. The drafts are split to avoid ambiguity and conflicts during the querying process. The stack-based processing model is replaced by a more flexible one to enable multi-threaded optimizations.</p>
<p>Each style of the 2008 draft and each part of the topic map modification language ( <span class="caps">TMQL</span>-ML ) has been realized in different modules. Because of that, the user can decide which styles and parts of the query language should be supported.</p>
<p>In addition, a new language module was added to enable flexible template definitions, which enables control of the result format of the querying process in the most powerful way. Templates can be used to return results in <span class="caps">HTML</span>, <span class="caps">XML</span>, <span class="caps">JSON</span> or any other format. The results will be embedded automatically by the query processor.</p>
<p>The new version also comes with a couple of other useful features .</p>
<li>In contrast to the draft, the engine supports filter after each navigation step.</li>
<li>New axes, like the typed and variants axis, are added to the navigation handler.</li>
<li>Result processing has been fully re-implemented, which enables the possibility of empty cells and really atomic cell values.</li>
<li>The engine supports result column aliases, similar to <span class="caps">SQL</span>, which can be used to navigate through the result set.</li>
<li>The engine supports prepared statements to speed up your application.</li>
<li>A couple of new functions are added to fetch the ontology of the topic map or topics by their characteristic values.</li>
<li>The new language version comes with a new group-by-clause, that enables an index-based arrangement of the result set.</li>
<li>Similar to the select-style, the flwr-style supports the limit-, offset- and unique-clauses.</li>
</ul> (Sven Krosse)
Mon, 14 Feb 2011 11:41:46 +0000
Onotoa covered by Eclipse magazine
<img alt="Original4d3d49968cc3e_1_" src="/document/thumbnail/135/card/original4d3d49968cc3e_1_.png?1297249499" /><p>The latest issue of the Eclipse magazine covers our <span class="caps">TMCL</span> editor Onotoa with an article written by the lead developer Hannes Niederhausen (in German). Furthermore version 1.1.1 is available at the CD which is bundled with the magazine. Unfortunately this version is of limited interested because the new version 1.2 will be release very soon - with a bunch of new features.</p>
<p><a href="">Here</a> you can purchase this issue of the Eclipse magazine.</p> (Lutz Maicher)
Wed, 09 Feb 2011 11:04:59 +0000
Practical Semantics seminar in Leipzig covered by the German Ministry (BMBF) website
<img alt="Seminar_2_bearb_1_" src="/document/thumbnail/134/card/Seminar_2_bearb_1_.jpg?1296251138" /><p>The German Ministry for Research and Educations (<span class="caps">BMBF</span>) which is the current funding organisation behind the Topic Maps Lab published an wrap-up of the practical semantics seminar in Leipzig at the website of the funding programme.</p>
<p>The next seminar <a href="">will take place on February 23, 2011 in Utrecht</a>.</p>
<p>Read the full article (in German) <a href="">here</a>.</p> (Lutz Maicher)
Fri, 28 Jan 2011 21:45:38 +0000
Maiana 2010 release
<img alt="Last_2010_release_pic" src="/document/thumbnail/133/card/last_2010_release_pic.png?1293035213" /><p><em>September (<span class="caps">TMRA</span>) Release</em>: Most of the new features - like the Subject Feed of a topic map and the faceted search - have been presented at <span class="caps">TMRA</span> 2010 in Leipzig.</p>
<li><strong>Map and Subject Feed</strong>: “Upload” and “<span class="caps">URL</span>” maps can be updated via the web interface or <span class="caps">TMQL</span> update queries. But from now on, you may actually watch these updates in a topic map. Each map offers a Map and several Subject Feeds: the Map Feed informs you about all changes in the topic map - the creation of topics, the update of name and occurrence values, the participation in associations and so on. Additionally, using the Subject Feed one may watch a particular topic of interest.</li>
<li><strong>Faceted Search</strong>: When searching the full text index of a large topic map with a more general search term, e.g. <a href="">searching the Opera Topic Map for <em>opera</em></a>, the user can easily get lost in the overwhelming number of results. To address this problem, we included the topic types of the search results in a faceted manner. The user is now able to reduce the number of displayed results by selecting and deselecting any topic type she is not interested in.</li>
<li><strong><span class="caps">OSM</span>/Google Maps support for geo-typed occurrences</strong>: This is a gadget appearing in maps that include topics representing places. A topic that owns any occurrence of data type <code></code> - usually known as the triple of latitude, longitude and an optional value for the height - has a little map icon that reveals an Open Street Map visualization of the given coordinate.</li>
<p><em>October Release</em></p>
<li><strong>New design</strong>: While adding more and more features to Maiana we felt the need to improve the user interface, too. This is a work in progress so stay tuned for more eye candy in the future.</li>
<li><strong>Renew <span class="caps">API</span> key</strong>: The Maiana <span class="caps">API</span> key is as <a href="">important</a> as the pair of your user name and password. In any case of security emergency, e.g. if you lost or accidentally published your <span class="caps">API</span> key, you can click on “renew <span class="caps">API</span> key” on your Maiana profile page and the compromised key will be disabled.</li>
<li><strong>Maiana <span class="caps">API</span>: Query with <span class="caps">TMQL</span></strong>: The Topic Maps Query Language (<span class="caps">TMQL</span>) is a powerful query language in the field of Topic Maps. With the opening of the Maiana <span class="caps">API</span> for <span class="caps">TMQL</span> queries of all kinds, every Maiana user can now benefit of this power. You can discover how easy it is to use the Maiana <span class="caps">API</span> by having a quick look at the <a href="">Maiana <span class="caps">API</span> documentation</a>.</li>
<li><strong>Feature overview for map types</strong>: Have you ever wondered which features of Maiana are available for the different types of maps, e.g. the “Upload” map? You may inform yourself by clicking on the help button at the “Create Topic Map” part on your dashboard or by opening the “Features” tab of a map (e.g. the <a href="">ToyTM</a>).</li>
<p><em>November Release</em></p>
<li><strong>Container: References Tab</strong>: Maiana Containers are for virtual merging different maps we are calling “references”. In the past, the information about active references was hidden for every user except the owner of the container. Now, the new “Reference” tab reveals this useful information: for example, it <a href="">shows</a> which maps have been merged to create the “Operas” Container.</li>
<li><strong>Social Tab and Editors</strong>: Maiana wants to be a <em>social</em> topic maps platform. With the introduction of the new “Editor” role this is now taken to a new level. Any user who has been invited as editor to a map in the “Social” tab may now view this map (similar to users that own the “Viewer” role) <span class="caps">AND</span> may edit it in the web-interface or by executing <span class="caps">TMQL</span> update queries.</li>
<li><strong>Maiana <span class="caps">API</span>: Search in maps</strong>: While having remote access to the data structure of a topic map with the <span class="caps">TMQL</span> querying facility of the Maiana <span class="caps">API</span> is great, the flexibility of <span class="caps">TMQL</span> may sometimes be unnecessary. For this reason, we opened up the full text search functionality of Maiana with the new <span class="caps">API</span> method called <code>search_endpoint</code>. You can perform any search and receive the results as <span class="caps">JSON</span> objects as described in the <a href="">Maiana <span class="caps">API</span> documentation</a>.</li>
<li><strong><span class="caps">RDF</span>/N3 export of a topic map</strong>: When speaking about the Semantic Web, one usually thinks of <span class="caps">RDF</span> in one of its various formats. We strongly support the Semantic Web ideas of opening up data silos and connecting all available public data. And we want Maiana to play its part in this game. So we made the export of whole Maiana maps as <span class="caps">RDF</span>/<span class="caps">XML</span> and <span class="caps">RDF</span>/N3 easily available in the “Download map data” menu of each downloadable map.</li>
<li><strong>New map type: <span class="caps">XLS</span></strong>: We love Topic Maps and structured data in general. But the vast majority of data out there is semi- to unstructured. In the continuing effort to provide tools for better handling of data, we introduced the new “<span class="caps">XLS</span>” map type that allows the upload of a mapping definition file for Excel files. This way, the tabular-structured components of an Excel file may be viewed and used like any other topic map.</li>
<li><strong>Renaming of <span class="caps">JLI</span> to DB</strong>: To distinguish between <span class="caps">JLI</span> access to Excel files and relational databases we renamed the former “<span class="caps">JLI</span>” part of the “Create topic map” form to “DB”.</li>
<p><em>December Release</em></p>
<li><strong>Notifications</strong>: We introduced notification e-mails that inform about users following you and watching or commenting on your maps. Of course, the notifications may be deactivated on the profile page.</li>
<p>Excel is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.</p> (Uta Schulze)
Wed, 22 Dec 2010 16:26:53 +0000